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Electa Brief

This is a synopsis concerning the Electa Ocean project as a commercial application.

What is the problem?

Most existing renewable energy is intermittent and conversion is highly variable, this causes elasticity problems to the electrical grid resulting in the inability to reduce coal/oil/nuclear consumption in any meaningful way. Due to the fluctuations in weather conditions it is difficult for the grid to ascertain specific energy targets from renewables.


Ocean currents propel an enormous quantity of water. Water is more than 800 times denser than air. Ocean currents are constant with little variation in speed thus be regarded as an invaluable asset worth exploiting. 44% of Earth’s population lives within 150km of a coast, where few products currently exist to convert this non intermittent perpetual energy from ocean currents.

What is MIL's solution

- Electa Ocean -

ELECTA is an ocean turbine which is of a pod shape moored to the sea/ocean floor.

A buoyancy chamber ensures the pod is kept upright due to overhead pressure (similar to a U-boat mine). Manifold sitting at any required depth due to control element in buoyancy chamber in conjunction with a retracting-guiding cable as the anchor.

Guide vanes and directional fins ensure the pod is kept in the direction of the fluid flow.

A dual contra rotational vertical axes turbine converts kinetic energy from the fluid flow. Each vertical axes turbine acts as a centrifugal governor onto its twin ensuring no yaw motion of the pod can take place, which also allows for higher gearing ratios as stability is enhanced. Electrical conversion is done through a shared gearbox and generator, electricity converted travels down the moored anchor line and connects with other electric lines of the farm and brought onshore via a main cable (alternatively electronic magnetic couplings could be used as opposed to gearbox direct drive system).

The ducted entrance allows the turbines to generate more energy relative to their size. deflector wings at the rear enhance effects as it acts like a turbo, increasing the flow/pull speed from the exit duct. Due to the shape involved, portal vanes at the entrance and exit ducts enable numerical enhanced effects such as the Bernoulli / Venturi effect to be present. Symmetrical blade profile ensures maximum energy conversion is possible with the dual vertical counter-rotating rotors.

Paternoster configurations (multiple on same line) can be deployed. Electa can also operate in tight configurations because the individual performance of a unit is not hindered by the proximity of another unit.

Electa will primarily operate in ocean currents which are at a constant flow rate meaning deviations in speed are minimal as such the comparative effects of wear and tear are vastly reduced to other turbine converting devices. As the generator, gearbox, and power electronics are installed on top of the device, Electa is surface accessible for operation and maintenance (O&M) work, by being floatable. When work is complete the retracting-guiding cable reels the pod(s) back to the desired depth. A beacon locator and a sensors can send a “call for maintenance” when required.

Debris cannot enter the ducted entrance due to a mesh, also debris tend to float or sink, as such should never affect Electa. The mesh present on the ducted entrance ensures protection for marine life.

Electa pods positioned depth will be below fauna algae growth therefore will also not interfere with shipping lanes.

As Electa units are not fixed onto the sea bed, but only anchored, it allows them to be positioned in locations where ground-fixed energy convertors cannot be fitted which is in excess of 99% of coastal waters.

Electa Ocean is not affected by weather phenomenon, tidal waves, earthquakes, solar flares.

Electa is also suitable for tidal application.

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Source: MIL & drawn by Rob Doyle Design Ltd and Brian O'loughlin.


Legal disclaimer:

Electa contains proprietary information and is protected by copyright laws and treaties, as well as other laws and treaties to other forms of intellectual property. Murphy Inventions Ltd and Associates own the intellectual property rights to the Electa product its function as a fluid flow convertor as well as other functions the Electa product may provide.

The information herein may not be copied, reproduced, or modified in whole or in part for any purpose without written permission. Content may also change without prior advice.

Copyright © 2002 Thomas Murphy & Murphy Inventions Ltd and associates. All rights reserved.