
Murphy Inventions Limited was incorporated in 2014, in the Republic of Ireland.

MIL is a Sustainable Irish Company which focuses on the development of environmentally conscious, clean energy projects in order to reduce society’s carbon footprint.

We offer bespoke low cost, low maintenance, renewable energy solutions for business customers and are at the forefront of design-thinking.

The company has at its core a professional team, all with the expertise for developing and delivering sustainable solutions which benefit businesses and consumers. The team has been successful in attaining a range of patents/protections for various projects. Two projects are presently being funded by the European Union and its junior funding Partners.

The company’s network of industry experts ensure that its inventions are at the leading edge in design & manufacturing and have the potential to make significant impact in the renewable energy marketplace when fully implemented. The business works with a range of cross-sector industry associates including experts in the energy sector in Ireland, Brazil, China and other countries internationally.

Working with their Partners, Service Providers, Associates and EU/ International support, MIL’s technologies can transform the renewable energy sector by creating sustainable power alternatives which will negate the requirement for fossil fuels.


To reduce humanity’s dependence on fossil fuel-based sources enabling future generations to coexist more harmoniously by way of blue and green energy production.

Mission Statement:

MIL develop innovative, renewable energy concepts into working models, prove that they are competitive within their corresponding markets and develop them for sale or licensing within a global marketplace.

How We Operate

MIL with its diverse range of inventions, effectively sourced several experts with specialized knowledge to ensure that these inventions obtain the best possible chance for success and are professionally managed through the technology readiness levels, ensuring investors are frequently updated and comfortable with investing throughout the project stages.


 Copyright © Murphy Inventions Ltd. All rights reserved.